Shufflix: Frequently Asked Questions

How does Shufflix prevent that the same hands are used twice?

Every once in a while, hands from one tournament show up in another tournament.  This is always embarrassing to the tournament organizers.  The latest mishap of this sort was at the Junior Teams World Championships in Brazil in August 2001.  At this event, the same hands were accidentally used for two different sessions.

This mishap usually does not happen because the software in use has generated the same sequence of hands in two different runs.  Instead, the accident is usually caused after the hands have been generated by the dealing software.  This can happen in several ways, e.g.:

The dealing software in itself cannot guarantee against mishaps like these, but it can incorporate features that make these accidents unlikely, especially if supported by administrative routines for handling the boards and hand records.

This is the procedure used at DBF (Denmark) to guard against using a sequence of hands for a session where it was not intended:

  1. When the hands are dealt, the operator has explicitly named the tournament, session, and planned playing date as part of the input to the dealing process.
  2. This tournament identification data is carried along with the dealt sequence of hands in all file formats where it is at all possible.  Thus the tournament identification also appears on printed hand records.
  3. When the boards are delivered to the tournament site, they are accompanied by a sealed envelope with the hand records, including the identification of the session.
  4. As part of the process of distriubuting boards to the playing table, a tournament director breaks the seal on the hand records, selects a board from each set of boards, and verifies that the board corresponds to the hand records.
  5. The tournament director also verifies that the session listed on the hand records is actually the session about to be played.
Steps (1) and (2) have been included as part of KG since the first release in 1990, and this practice is carried over into Shufflix.  Steps (4) and (5) depend on ample training of tournament directors, including the self-discipline to perform a checking task that almost never catches any mistake.

If a set of boards accidentally have been delivered to a session without being properly duplicated, this problem is usually discovered at step (4).  And if a set of boards has accidentally been reused for a session that it was not intended for, this problem is usually discovered at step (5).

Like all procedures for human work, this procedure is not infallible.  In practice, however, it reduces the frequency of the mishaps considerably.

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Well, Shufflix could have generated the same run of boards twice anyway, right?

Wrong. There are two ways that Shufflix can generate the same sequence of boards. Shufflix cannot get into a rut like that.  For Shufflix to generate the same boards in the same way on two different runs, the following start conditions have to be identical: By definition, if the user intends his boards for a different event, he will also enter different tournament identification data.  Shufflix then already is in a different rut.

Now the, what if the same board sequence gets generated twice by pure chance?  Let us look at that probability.  There are about 296 different possible boards.  If a session is, say, 25 boards, that gives about 22400 different possible sequences of boards for a session.  The statistical phenomenon called the birthday paradox tells us that we need to run about 21200 sequences before the probability that we will have run two identical sequences of 25 boards approaches 50%.  21200 is such a huge number that this possibility can be ruled out.

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So what happens if the operator always gives the same session id and date?

Well, in this case the operator is making himself vulnerable to human error in the subsequent handling of the boards, as described in another question above.  Experience shows that within 10 years of operation - often much sooner - some human error is going to cause the same boards to be reused by accident.

However, assuming infallible human operations, let us see what the chances are in this scenario of generating the same boards twice.  Since the operator does not vary his identification, we are left with the variation of the computer clock and the 128 random bits used to make the result unpredictable.  That still leaves 2128 different sequences that can be generated by the operator input - and every time a second passes on the computer clock, these 2128 sequences are replaced by a new set of 2128 different possible sequences.  The birthday paradox agains tells us that Shufflix needs to generate 264 sequences in any given second for the probability of that two identical sequences are generated during that second to approach 50 %.  With the incredibly huge numbers we discussed above, 264 may not seem very big.  But it is. It is more than one billion (about 230) sequences for every living person on Earth (about 233); and we were talking about one second here.

So the conclusion would have to be that if the same Shufflix sequence shows up twice, this really is because the result of the same run of Shufflix has been used twice by accident.

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Is human error also the cause of reuse of sequences for other dealing programs?

Almost certainly. Other dealing programs used for serious tournaments also have huge numbers of different possible sequences that they can generate.  Hans van Staverens Bigdeal generates 2160 equally probable sequences for each installation.  KG from Alesia Software uses a concept of preshuffling (more than 2200 different outcomes) and then generates more than 247 different sequences for each preshuffling, yielding a possible variation of more than 2247 different sequences.

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Can the operator guess the hand sequence produced by Shufflix in advance?

No.  To do so, he would initially have to guess 128 unpredictable random bits.  That is infeasible.

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Can the Shufflix programmer guess the hand sequence produced by Shufflix in advance?

No.  To do so, he would initially have to guess 128 unpredictable random bits.  That is infeasible.

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But the Shufflix programmer can cheat in the code, right?

Presumably.  However, the code is publicly available for all sceptics to read. And, the code is not very complicated nor very voluminous. That should give some kind of assurance that the programmer did not cheat.

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Can the operator rig the cards?

Yes. He can alter the output of the Shufflix run. Or he can mock up a sequence of hands that looks as if it was produced by Shufflix.  There is really no way to prevent that.  But it is possible to run an audit that reveals whether he has done so.  Shufflix accompanies all files containing the sequence of hands produced with all the input that went into producing them.  It is then possible for an auditor to verify that a run of Shufflix with this input does indeed produce this sequence of hands.  Also, note that it is not feasible for the operator to generate input that will produce a desired output.

The possiblity of auditing helps keep operators honest.  The operators were probably honest in the first place.  So more importantly, the audit trail helps build confidence in the public and the among the participants that the deals are not rigged.

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But the operator can still generate thousands of runs and select an "interesting" one, right?

Well, yes.  If he is in collusion with a participant, he can also out of a thousand runs select one where the spade ace is in an agreed hand for the first four boards.  But if he is in collusion with a participant, he might as well slip that participant a copy of the hand records.

To keep the operator honest - in the sense that he only does one run for a given session - Shufflix can be used in a special procedure that makes it at least very difficult for the operator to generate several runs and choose one of the results.  Here is a sketch of such a procedure:

  1. A number of independent auditors - these could be players in the event - participate in the dealing process.  Let us assume that are four such auditors.
  2. Just before the dealing is to take place, each of the four auditors selects 8 unpredictably random hexadecimal digits (by flipping a coin 32 times or by some equally unpredictable process).  These 32 hexadecimal digits are published immediately and appended to the tournament identification.
  3. Shufflix is run to generate the hands of the tournament.  The resulting output (in casu the .tso file) is hashed to a message digest, which is also published immediately.
  4. After the session has been run, the hand records are published.
  5. Based on the hand records, the message digest of the .tso file can be verified by auditing; this demonstrates that the dealt hands were not altered after the message digest was published.
  6. Based on the hand records, it can be verified that the auditors' random digits were indeed used.  This demonstrates that the Shufflix run was not made before the 32 random hexadecimal digits were made available.
Note that this procedure does not affect the basic properties of Shufflix: the sequence of deals is as unbiased an unpredictable as ever.

This procedure is probably mostly of theoretical interest.  In practice, the operator is going to part of a trusted organization with internal mutual checks.

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How does Shufflix guard against snoopers on the Internet?

Shufflix uses the HTTPS protocol, which protects the transmission by means of encryption. This is the same mechanism that is used to protect bankning transactions on the internet. 

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Why can't someone else read my boards with his browser, when I can?

You can access the deals yourself because the path name to the deals is embedded in the encrypted response you get from Shufflix when your boards are dealt.  Someone else trying to read the deals is not so lucky:

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Is every different bridge board possible in every sequence generated?

Certainly.  There are around 296 different ways a bridge board can be dealt.  And there are 2128 different ways that Shufflix can generate a sequence of boards for any given input.  Since 2128 / 296 = 232, that yields an average of around 232 different ways that any sequence for a session can start with any deal.  232 is around 4 billion.

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Version 2017-09-26 / jbc